Why Patients Choose Derm & Rejuvenation Institute

A collaborative approach between dermatology and plastic surgery.

Why Patients Choose Us | Dr. Tanya Kormeili from Dr. Kormeili on Vimeo.

Our Mission

To create a sacred community of healthy, happy, and beautiful patients who are cared for over their lifetime by the most ethical, talented and qualified physicians and staff. Our diligent research allows us to distinguish fact from fiction. Saving you both time and money.

Privacy & Results

We are situated in the “Tech Capital” and the “Movie Business” and our practice takes care of many influencial people who’s privacy is of outmost importance. We take your privacy very seriously. We cater to the needs, privacy, and comfort of our elite patients. Customized treatment plans across various specialties that product the most natural looking results with the most gentle hands.

Derm & Rejuvenation institute

  • Unparalleled care and exceptional results.
  • International reputation of outstanding care.
  • We believe everyone deserves VIP treatment.
  • We have many innovative treatments to choose from.
  • Your safety is at the forefront our entire team’s focus.
  • Integrity you can count on.

5 Ways We Are Different

  • We utilize the Gold-Standards in technology
  • We are physician-owned & operated, NOT a VC venture
  • A physician does your consultation.
  • We value quality over quantity.
  • We stay current with the latest research to tailor your care to the highest standards. Eliminating the guess work for you.
  • We view our patients as individuals, not numbers.

40,000+ Happy Patients

80+ Combined Years Of Experience

100,000+ Procedures Successfully Completed