One of the biggest telltale signs of aging is the sagging of the face and neck region. If you find yourself in front of the mirror pulling back on your skin and seeing the change in your face and neck, then it is likely that you will benefit from the surgical procedure to correct this drooping of the facial skin and muscles.
The procedure to correct this is generally called a Facelift procedure. A complete facelift procedure will address the droopiness of the facial skin, deepening of the smile lines and the nasolabial lines, and the sagging of the neck. However, a facelift procedure can be restricted to address only the sagging of the neck. In this case, it is usually referred to as a neck lift. Conversely, a facelift procedure can be restricted to address only the sagging of the face. In this case, it is usually referred to as a mini-facelift.
Most facelift procedures are performed under twilight or general anesthesia. Incisions are hidden in natural creases around the ear and in the hairlines. This allows for a natural, un-operated appearance.