Skin Laxity & Ulthera

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Monica and Los Angeles

Ulthera, also known as Ultherapy, is a great way to treat skin laxity and other early signs of aging in the skin. It is a treatment that utilizes cutting-edge technology to offer effective skin rejuvenation without the need for surgery. 

At Derm & Rejuvenation Institute in Santa Monica, we offer Ultherapy treatment for patients who want their skin looking more youthful and glowing brighter. Our expert dermatologist Dr. Tanya Kormeili prioritizes patient satisfaction over all else. For more information, call (310) 526-8301 or contact us online.

Before & After

About Ultherapy

Ultherapy is a skin lifting treatment that utilizes state-of-the-art technology to treat signs of aging on the skin. It is a nonsurgical procedure that can lift and tighten skin that is affected by skin laxity and the natural effects of gravity. It can also reduce fine lines and wrinkles on the decolletage (the upper chest). 

Ultherapy uses ultrasound waves to treat the skin. The ultrasound waves are microfocused through the outer layer of skin and into the deeper layers, generating a thermal effect. This stimulates the body’s production of collagen, a natural protein that plays a part in keeping the skin firm and toned. Collagen production slows down with age, causing skin laxity. Luckily, Ultherapy can rectify this unfortunate feature of aging. It is the only FDA-approved non-surgical treatment for skin laxity and has treated more than 1.5 million happy patients! 

Benefits of Ultherapy

The collagen that is stimulated into production by Ultherapy tightens the skin and gives it a more youthful appearance. When the skin is naturally tightened, it loses structural slack, allowing less tissue to be subject to gravity. This can reduce visible symptoms of skin laxity such as jowling or double chins. Ultherapy is especially effective at lifting the brow, chin and neck. 

Ultherapy is a convenient treatment for treating skin laxity, as it requires no incisions. Additionally, unlike other forms of non-surgical skin treatment like lasers, it does not affect the outer layer of skin. The ultrasound waves can precisely target the layers of skin that are deep enough to enhance the skin’s outer visual structure without harming it. (1) Your provider can even use ultrasound reading techniques, typically used for pregnancies, to ensure that they are targeting the skin at just the right depths in order to optimize results. 

Who is a Candidate for Ultherapy?

If you notice that the skin on your face and around your neck isn’t as firm as it used to be, Ultherapy could be right for you. It is a great alternative if you don’t want to experience the discomfort and downtime of surgery. If you’re not sure if you suffer from skin laxity but you know that you want to look more youthful, there are some signs of skin laxity that you can look for. Besides your skin simply feeling looser than it used to, early signs of skin laxity include having a lowered eyebrow line or sagging skin under the eyelids. You might be surprised by how much the skin-tightening effects of Ultherapy can improve your appearance. 

If you are a younger person who is not looking forward to the effects of age on your appearance, Ultherapy can act as a preventative treatment. Boosting your collagen production at a younger age can strengthen your skin before it has the opportunity to naturally loosen. It can also work as a means to uphold the effects of cosmetic surgery, such as a facelift

You should have realistic expectations about what Ultherapy can do for you. While it is an effective treatment, it cannot improve your appearance as profoundly as taking surgical measures. If your goals exceed what Ultherapy is capable of doing for you, you might need to opt for cosmetic surgery. 

Personal Consultation

At your personal consultation, we will provide you with everything you need to know about Ultherapy. We can assess your skin and discuss your goals in order to determine if Ultherapy is right for you. To schedule your personal consultation, call (310) 526-8301 or fill out this form.


There are no skin-care requirements necessary in order to prepare for your Ultherapy treatment. To be safe, you should avoid excessive exposure to sunlight and tanning beds, so the swelling that can come from this procedure does not cause further discomfort. 

Ultherapy Procedure

Ultherapy is performed as an outpatient procedure. Your provider will begin your treatment by cleansing your skin and identifying the areas of treatment. They will then spread the ultrasound gel and use the Ultherapy treatment applicator on your skin. They will use the ultrasound reading technology to determine the parts of your skin that will benefit the most from the ultrasound waves. The procedure can take several hours depending on the size of the areas being treated. You may experience some discomfort during the procedure. However, the potential discomfort is minimal and is in fact a sign that your skin is being affected in such a way that will stimulate new collagen production. You can discuss ways to manage your discomfort with your provider beforehand. 


There is no downtime for recovery after receiving Ultherapy treatment. You may experience some swelling and bruising in the treated areas for a few days afterward, and your face may feel tender for up to a month. You can apply makeup to the treated areas and resume strenuous activity immediately after your procedure. You may also resume your skincare routine immediately.


Your skin may feel tighter immediately after your treatment. As newly-produced collagen works to tighten your skin, the cosmetic results of your Ultherapy treatment will reveal themselves after two to three months. These results may continue to improve over the following three to six months. Ultherapy patients have largely reported long lasting effects with minimal side effects. (2)

Ultherapy is not permanent. The effects of aging are inevitable, and you may need to receive the treatment again or try cosmetic surgery to uphold a younger-looking appearance as you get older. 

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures 

Here at Derm & Rejuvenation institute, we offer cosmetic treatments that can correspond with and complement Ultherapy. 

Mini Facelift

A mini-facelift is a cosmetic surgery that can treat the effects of skin laxity, like jowling and double chins, with a less involved procedure than a regular facelift. This treatment involves incisions that are smaller and make for an easier recovery. If you need more than Ultherapy to treat your face but you still want to avoid the hassle of the standard facelift surgery, a mini-facelift might be the perfect compromise.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that involve injections that add volume and smooth the skin. The fillers are typically made from hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that is well-accepted by the body. If you want a more aesthetically fine-tuned and deliberate facial enhancement, dermal fillers could work in conjunction with your Ultherapy treatment to add volume to particular areas of your face, or reduce the appearance of problem wrinkles.

For more details about cosmetic and ermatological services at Derm & Rejuvenation Institute, check out our blog.

How Much Does Ultherapy Cost in Santa Monica?

Your Ultherapy treatment will be cutomized to your unique needs and anatomy. Therefore, we will discuss the treatment price at your consultation. To find out more about Ultherapy treatment at Derm & Rejuvenation Institute, call (310) 526-8301 or visit our contact page.


What is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is an FDA-approved non-invasive treatment that can lift skin on the face and neck, as well as reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the upper chest. It uses microfocused ultrasound waves to stimulate collagen production beneath the skin and lift it over time. There is no downtime necessary for this type of treatment.

Is Ultherapy safe?

Ultherapy is generally recognized as a safe procedure. It has been used on over 1.5 million patients and in more than 75 countries. It is FDA-approved, and its main component, ultrasound waves, has been consistently used in medicine for over 50 years. 

Can Ultherapy replace a facelift?

Ultherapy cannot replicate the effects of a face lift, though it is a great alternative, as it will leave zero scars and requires no downtime. It is a great option for those who do not want to go through the trouble of surgery.

Is Ultherapy different from laser treatment?

Ultherapy uses sound waves rather than light to bypass the dermis, the outermost layer of skin, and treat deeper layers than other non-surgical skin treatment technologies. Most laser technologies are ablative, which means they actually remove the dermis. Laser treatments cannot typically reach as deeply into the skin as Ultherapy, either. 

Does Ultherapy hurt?

Ultherapy may cause some slight discomfort, though this sensation only lasts as long as the ultrasound waves are being administered. You can discuss with your provider beforehand about ways to reduce discomfort. 


  1. Kerscher M, Nurrisyanti AT, Eiben-Nielson C, Hartmann S, Lambert-Baumann J. Skin physiology and safety of microfocused ultrasound with visualization for improving skin laxity. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology. 2019;Volume 12:71-79. doi: 
  2. Khan U, Khalid N. A Systematic Review of the Clinical Efficacy of Micro-Focused Ultrasound Treatment for Skin Rejuvenation and Tightening. Cureus. Published online December 4, 2021. doi: