
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Monica and Los Angeles

Restylane Santa Monica CA

Restylane (Restylane filler family) are natural, non-animal based, products made of hyaluronic acid. Restylane Silk and Restylane Lyft are the new types of Restylane with different hyaluronic acid properties.

Our skin naturally produces hyaluronic acid, but as we age, we produce less of this molecule. Hyaluronic acid can hold up to 100 times its volume in water, and as such is a great natural volumizer in the skin. Given this capacity to hydrate the skin, swelling after Restylane can be seen immediately after injection. To reduce swelling after Restylane we recommend using Arnica and we will provide with your ice packs. The swelling after Restylane is comparable with other dermal fillers.

Before and After Photos

Restylane Before & After Patient #13539
Restylane Before & After Patient #13539
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Injections of Restylane filler, therefore, replace this volume loss and restore a natural facial contour. Restylane can be used to correct loss of volume in various areas of the face, including the hollow around the eyes, the aging nasolabial folds, as well as the lips.

Restylane filler is a great and powerful choice in facial contouring, as well as non-surgical facelifts (Liquid Facelift).

Because Restylane is soft and easy to shape, it can fill the most delicate lines or folds. The contours Restylane filler creates are not lumpy and bumpy; Restylane filler offers very gentle and soft correction. Deeper folds can be treated easily with Restylane Lyft, also a form of Restylane filler.

Usually, Restylane filler lasts about 6 months in the skin after injection. And because it is a natural product, we have enzymes that break it down over time. The more product placed the more swelling after Restylane treatment is noted. The right amount of Restylane filler makes the face look natural and reduce swelling after Restylane, as with all fillers.

Please feel free to contact Dr. Tanya Kormeili’s Santa Monica office. We serve patients in Santa Monica, Brentwood, Malibu, Culver City, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, & surrounding areas in California. If you are one of our out of town guests, please inform our office staff to help make proper arrangements for you.

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