Emsella For Erectile Dysfunction

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Monica and Los Angeles

Emsella is a state-of-the-art technology that introduces pulsed ultrasound waves to restore a man’s sexual health. As men age, erectile dysfunction becomes an increasingly more pronounced problem. While supplements and medications geared to restoring penile health and function only show limited effectiveness, Emsella rebuilds the affected tissue naturally from the inside out. Because of its simple yet effective procedures, Dr. Tanya Kormeili is proud to offer her Santa Monica clientele the restorative benefits of Emsella. If you have a history of erectile dysfunction or are noticing common symptoms of this condition creep into your sex life, please don’t hesitate to schedule a personal consultation at our offices on Wilshire Boulevard. To reach our friendly front desk, please call (310) 526-8301.

About Erectile Dysfunction

To achieve and maintain an erection, the complex networks of body systems such as psychological and neurological, endocrine, and vascular systems need to function in harmony. When different pathologies or injuries inhibit one of these systems, the chain breaks, often resulting in the inability to maintain an erection or premature ejaculation. A 1994 study showed that 52% of men between 40 and 70 showed minimal, moderate, and complete impotence,[1] while a 2007 study found that premature ejaculation affected around 23% of men over the age of 24. [2] So, it is safe to assume a majority of men will suffer bouts of erectile dysfunction during their life. Though this condition is not life-threatening, it can be detrimental to a man’s confidence and well-being. While your cause for erectile dysfunction may differ, common causes include:[3]

  • Cigarette smoking
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Poor metabolic health
  • Stress
  • Anxiety 
  • Depression
  • Certain medications

About Emsella

Emsella uses pulsed ultrasound waves to strengthen weak pelvic floor muscles that commonly contribute to erectile dysfunction. This noninvasive technology contracts the pelvic floor muscles and reverses the pathological changes of erectile tissue, improving erectile function.[4] The contractions the pelvic floor muscles experience are the same type of contractions muscle groups experience during a workout. When muscles contract, their fibers rip and split apart, signaling to the brain for more nutrients to grow stronger. Soon, an increase in blood flow and new regenerative cells migrate to the target muscles to restore tissue function. This neovascularization reopens pathways for healthy blood flow to the area – which is necessary to achieve and maintain an erection. 

Benefits of Emsella

There are many reasons to choose Emsella for erectile dysfunction treatments, reasons that include:

  • Simple 30-minute procedures
  • Non-invasive
  • Stronger pelvic floor muscles
  • Lasting results that aren’t dependent on medications
  • Improved sexual performance and stamina


While most men who experience erectile dysfunction are over 40, all men are different, and some younger men struggle with this condition. So, if erectile dysfunction disrupts any part of your life, emotional well-being, or self-confidence, then you may be the perfect candidate for Emsella. Because Emsella repairs physical tissue, underlying psychological causes of erectile dysfunction will not improve after an Emsella session. Dr. Kormeili has seen improvement in men who suffer from all degrees of erectile dysfunction. To see how Emsella can restore your sexual health and confidence, please schedule a personal consultation at our Santa Monica offices. 

Personal Consultation

Dr. Tanya Kormeili is a board-certified dermatologist with years of clinical experience and hundreds of satisfied patients. Through her private practice and as a Clinical Professor of Dermatology at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine, Dr. Kormeili has always put her patients’ safety and satisfaction at the forefront of her work. She is proud to offer the most advanced technologies in the cosmetic and dermatological industries to her Southern California clientele. 

Your Consultation 

We will begin your consultation with a brief new patient intake interview where we will learn about you as an individual. Then, we will conduct a physical examination and answer any preliminary questions you may have about our services. Then, Dr. Kormeili will listen to your conditions. We know discussing a topic of this nature can be difficult, so we will go to every length to ensure you are comfortable and relaxed during your time with us. We will explain how Emsella works and what type of results you can expect from this procedure. Once you and Dr. Kormeili have determined this is the right treatment for your condition, we will schedule a time and date for your first Emsella session. Because the tissue repairs better after repeated treatments, many patients see extraordinary results after a couple of sessions that are evenly spaced a few weeks apart.


Patients, both men and women, love Emsella because of its simple application. The Emsella device is a chair that the patient sits in. Patients remain fully clothed and comfortably seated while the ultrasound waves radiate from the chair’s seat into their pelvic floor muscles. Gentle ultrasound waves contract the pelvic floor muscles, stimulating tissue proliferation and neovascularization. After only 30 minutes, you will be free to jump back into your daily routine, uninterrupted by side effects or lengthy recovery times. 

Recovery & Results 

After only a few sessions, many male patients report a significant increase in their sexual readiness, endurance, and function. Because the treatment is quick and non-invasive, you can expect no adverse side effects or necessary downtime. 

Other Procedures For Men

In addition to erectile dysfunction, many men suffer from unwanted fat around their bodies. The older they get, the harder this fat is to lose. To quickly and effectively shed this tough-to-lose fat, Dr. Kormeili recommends CoolSculpting for Men. CoolSculpting technology uses the science behind cryolipolysis: this is the process of plunging fat cells to sub-freezing temperatures that cause the cell to dislodge from its connective tissue. Once detached, the fat cells are processed through the body’s excretory system. This fat loss procedure is perfect for fat around the waist, love handles, arms, legs, chest, and under the chin. Be sure to ask how CoolSculpting can improve your physique during your consultation. 

Another popular male cosmetic procedure is male facial sculpting. The shape of a man’s face conveys many subconscious signals to others. However, you might not look how you feel on the inside. To achieve a more masculine, chiseled appearance, Dr. Kormeili has a suite of procedures that re-contour a man’s face, restore his hairline, and re-volumize any lost features. 

How Much Does Emsella Cost In Southern California?

The cost of your Emsella treatment will vary based on the number of sessions you need to achieve your desired results. We will determine this during your consultation. If you have any questions about financing, please call our front desk at (310) 526-8301. To stay up to date on the latest advances in the dermatological and cosmetic industry, be sure to check out Dr. Kormeili’s blog!


What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a common condition where a man is unable to achieve and/or maintain an erection for the entire duration of sexual intercourse or ejaculates prematurely. This condition is known to gradually worsen with age but can also be exacerbated by health conditions such as depression, anxiety, obesity, diabetes, and many more.

Is erectile dysfunction normal?

Because many biological factors can result in poor penile health and function, yes, erectile dysfunction is common but primarily for men over the age of 40. Increasingly over the last couple of years, erectile dysfunction rates have climbed in men in their 20s.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

Since many different systems of the body need to work in unison for proper erectile function, there can be many causes of erectile dysfunction. Typically, erectile dysfunction is caused by smoking, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, stress, anxiety, depression, certain medications, and weak pelvic floor muscles.

Can erectile dysfunction be cured?

While some supplements and medications market as being the one-stop cure for erectile dysfunction, many men’s reasons for erectile dysfunction are from weak pelvic floor muscles. At the gym, there is no machine designated to optimize your pelvic floor. However, there are many new technologies, like Emsella, that can do just that!

How does Emsella work?

Emsella emits gentle ultrasound waves to the pelvic floor muscles. These waves stimulate the muscles and cause them to contract. When contracted, the muscles send signals to the brain to increase blood and inflammation in the muscles. This triggers tissue regeneration and neovascularization. With heightened blood flow and stronger, refreshed muscles, Emsella can strengthen pelvic floor muscles and restore sexual function in both men and women.


  1. Feldman, H. A., Goldstein, I., Hatzichristou, D. G., Krane, R. J., & McKinlay, J. B. (1994). Impotence and its medical and psychosocial correlates: results of the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. The Journal of urology, 151(1), 54–61. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0022-5347(17)34871-1
  2. Porst, H., Montorsi, F., Rosen, R. C., Gaynor, L., Grupe, S., & Alexander, J. (2007). The Premature Ejaculation Prevalence and Attitudes (PEPA) survey: prevalence, comorbidities, and professional help-seeking. European urology, 51(3), 816–824. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eururo.2006.07.004
  3. Yafi, F. A., Jenkins, L., Albersen, M., Corona, G., Isidori, A. M., Goldfarb, S., Maggi, M., Nelson, C. J., Parish, S., Salonia, A., Tan, R., Mulhall, J. P., & Hellstrom, W. J. (2016). Erectile dysfunction. Nature reviews. Disease primers, 2, 16003. https://doi.org/10.1038/nrdp.2016.3
  4. Cui, W., Li, H., Guan, R., Li, M., Yang, B., Xu, Z., Lin, M., Tian, L., Zhang, X., Li, B., Liu, W., Dong, Z., Wang, Z., Zheng, T., Zhang, W., Lin, G., Guo, Y., & Xin, Z. (2019). Efficacy and safety of novel low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) in treating mild to moderate erectile dysfunction: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled clinical study. Translational andrology and urology, 8(4), 307–319. https://doi.org/10.21037/tau.2019.07.03