Men do lots of laser hair removal but are often shy to discuss it. Whether it is diminishing the hair on your back, permanent facial hair removal, or laser hair removal for private areas, our laser is the gold standard in hair removal efficacy!
What makes our laser hair removal relatively pain-free is the quality of our professionally compounded numbing cream. Pain-free laser hair removal also includes applying ice and being able to modulate the laser settings.
In addition to being pain-free, laser hair removal must be strong enough to actually kill off the unwanted hairs without burning the skin on top. Many commercially available lasers on the market are made very weak. These laser hair removal devices are a huge waste of time and money given the sheer number of laser hair removal treatments you will need to achieve the same results with a powerful laser.
In men, laser hair removal involves the lower bearded neck area to reduce ingrown hair, laser hair removal of the chest, stomach, and back or thinning out the hairs on the shoulders and upper arms. In some areas, men do not want to have all the hair removed but want to decrease the hair density only.
Many men ponder how to get rid of male facial hair permanently. Permanent facial hair removal is popular among men who suffer from ingrown hairs. Beard laser hair removal side effects are minimal with the upside of not having to shave the neck area again!
As you may have heard, the best results for laser hair removal are achieved on dark hairs against a fair skin background. However, other factors influence the treatment process. For light hairs electrolysis (electrolysis hair removal) is the only option. Therefore, it is wise to start laser hair removal BEFORE the hairs turn white and are no longer a candidate for laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is also essential on those black upper lip and chin hairs before they turn white, and electrolysis hair removal becomes the only option.
We look forward to meeting you soon and helping you. Please make your appointment today!
It’s worth knowing that, with laser hair removal, timing is everything: to be effective the hair has to be in the right stage of its growth cycle (known as anagen). This is when the hair contains an abundance of melanin, which is what lasers are trying to target in an effort to disable that hair follicle. So, to achieve long-term results, laser hair removal must treat the hair in the anagen stage of hair growth.
A series of laser hair removal treatments are needed to reach all of your hairs during this cycle because your hair is not on the same cycle, each hair follicle cycles independently.
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