Moles can be flat or raised but more seriously they can be cancerous. Therefore mole removal laser despite its popularity is often a bad idea since you can never see the cells of the mole removed under the microscope; hence you are at risk for developing a skin cancer by improper mole removal. Therefore any mole removal specialist will advocate against the use of a mole removal laser and recommend mole removal surgery.
Before and After Photos
Mole removal laser ads do not discolor the limitation to this treatment. Lasers are not usually the method of choice for most deep moles because the laser light doesn’t penetrate deeply enough. Therefore, recurrence of a mole after laser treatment can be “splotchy” and unattractive; furthermore, because the tissue is destroyed, and never evaluated under the microscope, no information exists as to the health of those cells. For these reasons choose a mole removal specialist that favors mole removal surgery over lasers.
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