Facial Waxing Nightmares: Don’t Let This Happen To Your Skin!

Warnings For Facial Waxing!

We care about the health of your skin and must warn you of the dangers of facial waxing.

As a board certified dermatologist, Dr. Kormeili has spent over 13 years studying to be a dermatologist, and over a decade practicing this discipline. It breaks her heart to see her patients (or anyone for that matter!) be taken advantage of.

This sweet lady is a patient of Dr. Kormeili’s that came to the office in tears after seeing a local “skin expert” for a facial. First, the combination of skin products, peels, and waxing that was used on her ended up ripping off the top layer of her skin. Then, she was sent home with a combination of baby powder and peroxide to “heal” the skin. Resulting in the following chemical burn which made matters even worse (see top image).

facial waxing burn before and after

Luckily, she did very well after a week of combination therapy Dr. Kormeili placed her on, and was able to smile again. You can see the difference and healing after she was treated by Dr. Kormeili.

We will never forget the patient’s tears of regret as she was convinced she will be scarred and discolored permanently.

The Role Of A Great Dermatologist

A big part of a dermatologist’s job is education. For Dr. Kormeili, this is a passion. Dr. Kormeili will not be able to treat every human being on this planet, but perhaps she could share a part of her heart and her skills through this blog to help those that she will never see, but still care about.

Please always use real experts to care for your skin. Never look for discounts, as mistakes made are too costly to correct, and are not true savings. Ask for help before it is too late. Please see a dermatologist when needing expert guidance as to what are safe treatments for your skin.

May you always be happy, smiling and beautiful in every way!

If Dr. Kormeili can be of assistance in your journey of healthy and beautiful skin, please don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation.