The EmSella Chair is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment device for urinary incontinence in both men and women.
EmSella is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment for urinary incontinence in both men and women. According to the American Urological Association, an estimated 30-50 percent of females experience significant urinary incontinence, which only gets worse with age
EMSELLA™ is a new treatment procedure for incontinence that utilizes high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology, aka “HIFEM Technology”, to stimulate, strengthen, and restore neuromuscular control to deep pelvic floor muscles.
How does the EmSella chair work?
Another wonderful part of non-surgical body contouring is strengthening and building muscles without any exercise! Our FDA-approved EmSculpt muscle-building device does all the work for you.
How long does EmSella take?
You have a busy schedule. We respect that. All we ask is for 30 minutes, 2x/week for 3 weeks.
What does EmSella help with?
- Incontinence After Menopause
- Post-Natal Incontinence
- Vaginal Rejuvenation
- Improving Orgasms
What are the Benefits of EmSella?
The EmSella Chair is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment device for urinary incontinence in both men and women. In pregnancy and childbirth, women experience more stress on the pelvic floor muscles earlier in life. In fact, according to the American Urological Association, an estimated 30-50 percent of females experience significant urinary incontinence, which only gets worse with age.
Does EmSella work?
The beauty of a non-surgical incontinence solution is that there is no pain involved. You’ll feel a tingling sensation in your pelvic floor along with muscle contractions. As soon as you finish the treatment, the tingling will stop, and you can go about the rest of your day as normal.

Who is not a candidate for The Kegel Throne (EmSella)?
Not suitable for patients with metal implants
Not suitable for women with metal IUDs
Is Emsella FDA Approved?
Yes!! EmSella is a non-invasive, FDA-approved option driven by the HIFEM technology. It’s based on high-intensity, focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM), that rehabs the muscles in the areas of the pelvic floor, adding health and better function of the pelvic area and restore neuromuscular control.
Who is the right candidate for EmSella?
Men and Women who want improved blood flow and function of the pelvic area without surgery, anesthesia or invasive means.
One Emsella session is the equivalent of 12,000 Kegels.
How long does an EmSella treatment last?
Each session will last 30 minutes, and on average most patients will need 6 treatments total, scheduled twice a week (for three weeks). Some patients benefit from additional treatments based on their anatomy and physiology.
Is the EmSella treatment painful?
You will experience powerful contractions in the pelvic floor with tingling. Imaging squeezing down there over and over with high intensity.
How long does it take for results to show?
Some patients begin to note some improvement with one session, while others see their gains after the third week.
Each individual’s body is different, as are the results.
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