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Ethnic Skin Tips By Santa Monica’s Ethnic Skin Dermatologist

Ethnic skin tips begin with understanding how ethnic skin is different. In this video, Dr. Kormeili provides valuable information about how to care for ethnic skin. Often times patients with darker skin think they have extra protection. Yes and no. It’s important to do your homework, especially when it comes to cosmetic treatments.


About Ethnic Skin

Tips for ethnic skin apply to anyone who is Latin, Middle Eastern, Asian, African American, Native American, and Souther European. If your gene pool is any one of these then your skin is more sensitive.

It may not appear that way since you don’t seem to burn in the sun, but it’s true none the less.

Ethnic Skin Tips For Latin Skin

While you may think you’re safe from UV rays because you don’t get sunburns, it’s critical that you apply quality SPF protects. As an ethnic skin dermatologist, Dr. Kormeili has consulted many patients on sun-safety and skin cancer prevention.

Latin or Hispanic skin, is likely to get hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin).  Hyperpigmentation is very common following acne outbreaks, psoriasis, and other irritations. Latin skin requires specialized treatment plans and laser technology that is safe to use on darker skin tones. Additionally. acne breakouts should be treated as soon as possible to avoid possible hyperpigmentation and scarring.  Melasma is also more common in Latin skin and requires both topical as well as laser treatments to control.


More Ethnic Skin Tips

Lasers used for rejuvenation, hair removal,  and reducing acne scars induce heat. The laser beams are absorbed by pigment (red or brown) or water in the skin. This absorption results in heat. When you have darker skin (aka more pigment) this makes is easier for your skin to burn.

Tips For Treatment Of Melasma For Ethnic Skin

Treatment options for ethnic skin are focused on lightening the skin. These options include laser therapy using specialized settings, chemical peels, and topical bleaching creams such as hydroquinone.

Ethnic Skin Tips For Treatment Of Keloids And Scars 
Dr. Kormeili uses special formulations and settings on lasers for ethnic skin to ensure the most safe and effective possible results. Laser therapy can be used to lighten scars and flatten the skin.

Skin Tips For Acne

Another skin tip is in relation to the treatment of acne. We only recommend products that are proven in skin of color. We also provide special pre and post-care instructions for laser treatments. As ethnic skin specialists, we have lasers that provide customized settings for ethnic skin.



Don’t risk your skin! Do your research, ask questions, and pick a dermatologist who is experienced working with various skin types and skin colors. Contact us to schedule your personal skin consultation.


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The post Ethnic Skin Tips By Dr. Kormeili on Mun2 TV appeared first on Kormeili, Tanya (drkormeilidermatology.com).
