There are several options for wrinkle treatment. In this video, Dr. Kormeili demonstrates the use of Dysport to treat wrinkles.

“I hate my wrinkles! I hate wrinkles!” Does that sound like you in front of the mirror? Botox and Dysport can erase “dynamic” wrinkles within 2 weeks of treatment!

Facial wrinkles can be divided into two categories:

1. Dynamic wrinkles: fine lines and wrinkles that appear with facial expression or movement. Classic example is frowning or squinting causing the 11’s or the crowsfeet seen on the face. Botox (and the other neuromodulators such as Dysport and Xeomin) are best treatment for dynamic wrinkles, without having a frozen face.

2. Wrinkles at rest: These, as the name implies, are wrinkles that with or without movement always persist on the person. Without early intervention with Botox, dynamic wrinkles eventually get so deep that they won’t even go away with Botox! Wrinkles at rest not only benefit from Botox, but also can be improved with lasers such as Fraxel laser, which can also soften wrinkles.

Dysport vs. Botox

Dysport similar to Botox, contains an ingredient that relaxes the muscles that cause wrinkles. Dr. Kormeili injects it into areas such as the forehead or between the eyebrows to smooth the skin and lessen the appearance of wrinkles. It also helps prevent new wrinkles from forming.

Patients frequently ask what is the difference between Botox and Dyport or which is better. They both work the same in terms of wrinkle treatment. Dysport has smaller molecules so it’s measured differently than Botox (which in turn may explain the pricing difference per unit).

In the end, whether you choose Dysport or Botox for wrinkle treatment, the most important factor is the training of the person injecting you. After all, it is untrained people that madecosmetic mistakes and botched jobs, it’s not the fault of the product.

Please have an experienced trained dermatologist treat do your injections and discuss your wrinkle treatment options. We can’t stress this enough!

If you would like to learn more about which wrinkle treatment is right for you, and if you are a good candidate for Dysport or Botox, please contact us to schedule a cosmetic consultation.

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