Thread lifts seem to be the latest and greatest thing in the cosmetic world, and if you’ve heard a lot about them, it’s with good reason. Thread lifts are an excellent way to transform your look with just a minimally-invasive procedure, meaning you can get the benefits of a facelift without the hassle or downtime. Thread lifts use PDO, or “polydioxanone,” which is a biocompatible material that’s very similar to sugar. It actually dissolves into your skin after the procedure is completed and brings about natural rejuvenation through collagen production as it melts away. Here’s what to know about thread lifts and how they can boost your anti-aging goals.
The Benefits of a Thread Lift
Thread lifting stimulates collagen production. Collagen is an important component of youthful skin, and normally it exists as a complex matrix that provides volume and support to your skin. It also keeps your skin strong and supple and helps it to heal from wounds. As we age, collagen production is reduced, leading to sagging and wrinkles. In fact, by age 70, most people will experience an 80% reduction in skin thickness. With a thread lift, you can jumpstart your skin’s natural rate of collagen production to restore volume and smooth out wrinkles.
How a Thread Lift Works
Thread lifts are inserted under the skin through tiny incisions and then lifted in order to bring the skin into a higher position. The presence of the threads triggers your body’s healing response, which causes an immediate surge of collagen to the affected areas. As the sutures dissolve, collagen production is continuously stimulated. Most patients can enjoy the results of their thread lift for one to three years following the procedure. The threads are usually divided into two types of sutures: textured sutures and smooth sutures. The textured sutures are ideal for gathering the skin and are usually placed near the hairline to gently lift cheeks and jowls. Smooth sutures provide less lift but are excellent for collagen stimulation. They’re typically placed in areas like the corners of the mouth or the eyebrows. The whole procedure takes about 30-45 minutes.
How a Thread Lift is Different Than a Facelift
Facelifts are surgical procedures. That means you’ll need to be sedated, so you’ll also need to arrange for transportation to and from your appointment. It’s also recommended to have a caretaker for at least three days following surgery. Overall, a facelift recovery can be extensive so you’ll need to count on a lifestyle change for at least a few weeks after surgery. On the other hand, a thread lift is a non-surgical alternative that creates a more natural look. You’ll be treated with local anesthesia and be able to drive yourself home after the treatment. Based on your procedure, you may be able to go right back to your normal schedule or you may need a day or two of recovery. Overall, though, the downtime after a thread lift is drastically shorter than a facelift recovery.
Thread lifts are usually recommended for adults who are experiencing mild to moderate skin laxity, or patients who are ineligible for surgery due to other health risks. The results can last one to three years, so if you’re between the ages of 35-55 and would prefer to avoid surgery, this treatment is an excellent option for your anti-aging goals.
Schedule Your Thread Lift Consultation
The best way to get started on learning more about your thread lift options is by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Kormeili. We invite you to contact our Santa Monica office by calling or filling out our online form.
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