No one really teaches us how to take care of our skin. It’s important to separate the facts from the myths. Dr. Kormeili is passionate about educating her patients about proper skin care. A skin tip can be simple but save you from making serious skin mistakes!

10 Things Not Do to Your Skin

Skin Tip #1: Don’t Directly ice your skin!

Ice can actually “burn” your skin. When applying “cooling” try this: take ice cubes (or frozen little peas and corn!) in a plastic bag sealed. Wrap the plastic bag in a paper towel and apply it to the spot that needs cooling.

Skin Tip #2: Don’t Use cortisones long term without supervision from a doctor.

Hydrocortisone cream, such as Cortaid, or more importantly prescription cortisone creams can cause thinning of the skin. This is permanent! Thin skin looks wrinkled, red and has stretchmarks.

Skin Tip #3: Don’t Sleep without washing off your make-up!

It’s also important to get that glamour makeup cleaned off before turning in. The skin pores need to be cleaned and be left open – or else, acne city!

Skin Tip #4: Don’t Use unknown creams or products

While many creams are cheaper to buy in Mexico or Canada, they may have ingredients that you are not aware of. Dr. Kormeili saw a patient that used a cream for her rosacea for 10 years, never realizing it was the cream causing the rosacea.

Skin Tip #5: Don’t Squeeze out acne.

Attention pimple poppers! We know how tempting it is and so fulfilling to “juice it out,” but it can scar you — badly. Nail marks are very hard to treat – acne, much easier!

Skin Tip #6: Don’t Get citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, etc.) on your skin while in the sun.

How would that happen you ask? Here’s how: Slushing margaritas on the beach, lemon flights at the pool. These fruit juices can sensitize the skin to the sun and cause a discoloration rash that takes weeks or even months to resolve.

Skin Tip #7: Don’t Apply direct heat to the skin continuously.

There is a condition called erythema ab igne, which is the result of direct heating of the skin. Hot laptops are a common reason people get this on their thighs! So do yourself a favor and invest in a laptop table if you don’t work at a desk.

Skin Tip #8: Don’t Self-exfoliation: don’t attack your skin!

Your skin is alive, and likes to stay alive. Please do not use harsh scrubs, apricot or any other fancy fruit pits, for “smoothening your skin.” Skin scrubbed hard under the microscope looks like wood splinters! Be nice to your skin. There are other ways to exfoliate besides force.

Skin Tip #9: Don’t Self surgery.

Yes you read that right! Dr. Kormeili had a patient who tried to get a “stuck piece of metal” from his face for 4 years using a safety pin. Finally, he decided he might need help from a doctor. It turned out to be skin cancer – that had been left untreated for 4 years as he attempted self-surgery.

Skin Tip #10: Don’t Share your girlfriend’s makeup.

You want new bacteria introduced to your skin? Go ahead, rub your BFF’s powder all over your pretty face! Seriously, you can love your best friend, just don’t share her makeup!

For more personalized skin tips, visit Dr. Kormeili for your skin consultation. Contact us today.

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