Cherry Angioma
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Monica and Los Angeles
Cherry angiomas are little red bumpy growths on the body. While not a medical concern, they can be of cosmetic concern to some. Young people can get a cherry angioma, most cherry angiomas are seen in pregnancy or later in the older age, hence the phrase Senile Angioma, or Campbell De Morgan Spots. Some patients do not like the many numbers of “red dots” that appear all over the skin of the body and wish to have cherry angiomas treated.
Before and After Photos
As mentioned, Cherry Angiomas are common in pregnancy and they can get so big that the bleed. As if pregnancy is not hard enough, the bleeding angiomas give the expecting mother too much trouble. Therefore, if you are planning to conceive and have a larger cherry angioma, you might want to have it treated before embarking on a pregnancy. After a confirming diagnosis, cherry angiomas can be treated safely and effectively. Treatment options include lasers, heat devices or surgical removal, depending on their size, number, location and the patient.
The gold standard of treatment for Cherry Angiomas (or Senile Angiomas!) is the Vbeam laser. Just one spot treatment with the Vbeam laser can effectively eliminate a cherry angioma permanently! If you have a predisposition to forming cherry angiomas, you might get new ones, regardless of getting the ones you have treated or not.
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